about the PROJECT

CREAMAP.CAT is a geographical visualisation tool that can locate Catalan creators all round the world. It shows the activities taking place in different places and identifies them according to their cultural field (performing arts, visual arts, literature, language and training activities, among others).

The Creamap.cat project has been developed and coordinated by the Institut Ramon Llull, in association with the Catalan Government Department of Culture.


Using the map

Each cultural activity is located through a specific icon that identifies it with its artistic category. If we move over the icons they show the author and the title of the event they represent. If we click on them a box with more information appears and we can have access to the complete file of the activity.

Depending on the physical proximity of the events and the level of zoom of the map the icons appear in a cluster with a number indicating how many activities it contains. The cluster disappears as we zoom in when the activities that belong to it are sufficiently separated to be shown individually.

When we find overlapping activities –sharing a space and coinciding in time– some icons cover the others. To avoid losing any we can activate an option that allows us to see all the activities laid out in a spiral once we click on the upper icon. In that way we can choose whatever interests us. 


Searches on the map can be filtered by country, category and dates. We can also introduce the name of the artist, the show or the event we are looking for into the search engine. By default the opening screen shows the map with the outstanding activities closest to the date of the search.

The map is completed with a list of the individual activities. The list shows the same results as the map. The way of looking at the lists can be modified: we can opt for the mosaic format or for structuring in rows. After making a search we can choose the way we order the results (date, creator, category). All the lists can be printed out from the desktop version of Creamap.cat.

Adaptable design

Creamap.cat is an adaptable graphic design tool that can be easily consulted from any device: PCs, tablets and smartphones.